А что если быспасибоможно было намазать на хлеб?

July 1st, 2019

You're awesome and incredible!

— Hey, привіт, привет 👋!
The reason to gather all of you here is to let you know that you're awesome and incredible and we just really want you to not only know it but truly feel it as well. Basically, that’s it (yes, you can leave), but then wouldn’t it be nice to somehow keep telling it (and cheering each other up) beyond once-in-some-time gathering?

Welcome to Bonusly!

— We gave it a thought and sought the aid of Bonusly, a platform designed and used to exchange gratitude with virtual currency, which at any point could be exchanged for perks of one’s choice. Bonusly offers to:
Promote your mis-s-s-s-sion!#1
😤Make recognition more impactful by connecting it to your company’s core values and giving visibility to everyone’s contributions.
Build stronger t-t-t-t-teams!#2
💩Build a scalable culture of recognition by empowering everyone to recognize their peers, direct reports, and managers.
Boost enga-a-a-a-agement!#3
🚣‍Encourage frequent and timely recognition by integrating with the communication tools your employees use every day.
Their website says many companies are happy using it, so that’s a good thing. On the other hand, here at Ricker Lyman Robotic we already have a pretty cool, engaged and coordinated team, is there any actual fun in integrating something like that?

How does this thing work?

— Suppose that every month you would get paid not only with a salary, but also with a portion of mana. Normally, mana is used to cast spells. This specific one is used to spell 🙏thanks and 👍thumbs-up. Yep, that’s all you can do with it — send out.

When you bind your raw mana with gratitude or inspiration or lolz and send in the direction of another person, they receive it as a redeemable mana.

And here's what's going to happen:
  1. You'll express yourself 🎉
  2. You'll encourage your peer 🤜🤛
  3. That lucky guy or gal not only instantly feels better, but can also use this redeemable mana to get gear, loot, and power-ups of his choice! 🔫

How to send mana?

With Bonusly

You have 85 mana points to give away
2d ago
Iryna: +5 @v.magora for a fascinating new beard style #breaking-news-this-just-in #за-гарні-очі #lacoste
  • Add On
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You have 50 mana points to redeem

On Slack


You created this channel on July 1st. This is the very beginning of the #bonusly channel.

Julia Titova12:14
Use /give command and a familiar <amount> <recepient> <reason> <hashtag> syntax to 🧙‍️compose a spell and Bonusly Slack integration app will take it from there.
Iryna: +3 @v.magora for a fascinating new beard style #breaking-news-this-just-in #за-гарні-очі #lacoste
Paul Lyman12:14
Someone give +10 mana to @a.sirak for sharing handy articles on #rlr-general-ua. Sharing is caring! 😁 #thanks #out-of-mana
Kostya LukyanenkoGeorge Barvinok
8 repliesLast reply today at 12:28
Jeffrey commented on Vasyl's bonus: +5 indeed, that is reasonable, give credit where credit is due
Julia TitovaAndrii SirakBogdan ShamanovskyiKostiantyn Kravtsov
9 repliesLast reply today at 12:28
Bohdan Pelekh12:14
I wish I had +45 mana points and a cookie for @y.ostapchuk, 'cause that guy you recommended last week is getting hireeeeeed! Promise to send it on August 1st. #referral #happyhr
Vasyl MagoraIlya KotlovOrest HapaliakVadym DrybasYurii Ostapchuk
11 repliesLast reply today at 12:28
/give +25 @that_awesome_fella for tending extra time to our unit tests when we needed them the most. Here goes hashtag #staying-up-late.

But wait, there's moar!

Goddess of luck

Opens box once a month and grants 3 random yous +10 mana points each

Clark Kent's lottery

Weekly event of 1 hour bidding window, after which one random participant steals jackpot

Sweepstake bets

Bet 10 mana on literally anything — send the bid to @clark.kent and add a descriptive message

Happy Anniversary

Goddess of retention sends +50 redeemable mana every working anniversary you hit

What kind of stuff can one get?

Have fun! 🎉